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I absolutely can't wait to play this (probably maining sauke, madara, and Boruto!) as someone who grew up with anime and playing the games and having a blast, I know this game will bring back nostalgia of one of my favourite anime. Now that Naruto's over I need a new anime to fill the void in my heart. -Delta

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4

Star-Wars is without a doubt the most iconic movie in history no arguments, accept it. And the same can be said about this game, a lot of people know about it and love it... now all EA has to do is not F**k up :). (Vex has never seen ANY star-wars movies before) -Delta

Star-Wars Battlefront 3
Final Fantasy XV

"Hey it's a realistic looking Sasuke..." Is what I thought this game was before I saw the title then realised it's Final Fantasy made by a company that dosen't know the meaning of the word final (jk).This game has a WAAYYY different combat system than normal final fantasy games (see for yourself) and when Final Fantasy 15 comes out (i put in the 15 for those of you that dont know roman numerials) I'll be on that like skin on a human. Of course a demo is availible if you have bought FF type Zero but I say screw that! But seriously, this game doe. -Delta

Assassin's Creed Syndicate

Assassin's Creed is starting to become rather repeatitive. A game every year, this isn't Call of Duty. Come on Ubisoft do what GameFreak did and take a one year break. On a more serious note, this game does look like a lot of fun and maybe it'll be a future Lets Play, I dunno. The one word to describe this game is "awesome." Still waiting for Assassins Creed 5: Delta get's a life. Can't wait to play that. -Delta

Upcoming Titles That Make Us Cringe With Exictement!!

Terraria: Other World

If you know me, you would know I freaking adore Terraria. I've been playing it since it first came out. And now it's getting a spin-off title (not a sequel) that looks very unique, yet similar to it's counterpart. From what I've read, this one looks a lot more story-based than Terraria, and I'm very excited to see what new things this game brings to us. -Vex,Delta,Pro Bro, Boing

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